Geoff writes: another warm, sunny day, with Tramuntana winds, which means, of course, Santa Brigida. We went out fairly late. In the morning, we finally finished the RHADS webcast – about the airspace restrictions and negotiated corridors when flying in certain directions from the Peak District. We also did another few hours work for the JISC conference, which could, quite possibly, be our biggest yet. It is certainly turning out to be one of the most complex.

Then, finally, off to Santa Brigida. It was really nice to meet another friend from here, Enric, who we haven’t seen since last spring. Johnny and Alistair were also out, as was Peter, a new pilot, who lives near here. Plus two French people we had never seen before. So, mostly foreigners, and one Catalan!

The thermals weren’t quite as strong as yesterday, but still there, and it was very easy to stay up, and get reasonably high. As usual, when the thermals died, there was still plenty of dynamic lift, and Judith had the last flight of the day mostly hands off. I drove down, and we all had a pleasant beer together in the landing field.

Another fun day.

Oh, I almost forgot. Judith reminded me it’s our anniversary (of our first date). It’s really just a one night stand that has dragged on for 5475 nights….. we were going to go to the local restaurant for a meal, but got back here and found it now closes on Tuesdays. So it’s a (special) night in!

See photos of today.