Geoff writes: it’s getting harder to convince ourselves that we have quite interesting lives really, when all we’ve been writing about for the last ten days is working, bad weather and being sick. Yesterday was much the same, with some more LMSC stuff, a fair bit of work for our online conference in November, some podcast editing for Judith (honest, Melise, it will be out soon!). Finished in the evening by Judith going out for a drink with Kai, to hear about the British Championships in France, whilst I watched crappy (really crappy) TV. A couple of people did fly late on, but we couldn’t be bothered avoiding the wet sheep shit on launch.

Just to show that we really do work, and life really isn’t an endless holiday, the November online conference we are preparing for now is on e-learning, and aimed at colleges and universities. We work with a team from an organisation called the JISC, which provides support to further and higher education in the innovative use of new technologies. This is the fourth conference we have done with them. We provide the conference platform, work with the presenters, do most of the background admin, write guidance, provide support during the conference, etc. Last year, the conference, which is entirely online and lasts four days, generated just under 200,000 words from nearly 1700 postings (as well as all the papers and presentations); and had 392 participants from 14 countries. These are big events, which require a lot of preparation – more than just the four days that the conference actually runs.

Writing about work…. the weather must be bad!