Forecast for today...Geoff writes: windy, cloudy but dry. Not too much of a problem since it gave us the chance to do some (paid) work, some Long Mynd committee stuff, and then go to archery.

And, most important, finish off and upload a new podcast, with Judith interviewing Tom Payne about his preparation for the X-Alps. Just listened to it myself, and it’s really interesting. It will be followed by another by Tom after the X-Alps is over. We’ve got more in the pipeline too, not least because we’re getting pretty good feedback about them, and they seem both popular and useful. They do take a while to create, both doing the interview itself, which we usually do over Skype; and the subsequent editing, which takes some hours. But they’re fun to create, and we’ve learnt a lot from the people Judith has interviewed, as, I hope, has everyone else.

See the tab at the top of the page for the link to the podcasts.