Another rainy day, although we did get a phone call from Johnny, who thought there might be a flyable window at Santa Brigida during the middle of the day. Even if it had been, we didn’t want to get our gliders wet and muddy, so declined.

Geoff got on with some proper work, but I was feeling a bit unmotivated, so messed about doing jobs and then settled down to some proper displacement activity: looking at some stats for the blog. It made interesting viewing, although I have yet to do a proper in-depth analysis (not that I ever will… Geoff has shamed me into not wasting good working days from now on.)

Anyway, from a quick glance, we’ve had more than 30,000 podcast and web cast downloads from the site and interestingly, the largest number of downloads for the winter flying podcast are in the months of June/July/August; and the largest for flying in alpine conditions in December/January/February. Go figure.