Forecast for today...Geoff writes: another wet and windy day. Our only consolation is that it’s also wet and windy in France and Catalunya! But we’re quite optimistic for the weekend, and the Met Office has said that this summer should be much better than the last two – warmer and drier. Still, given that they often have difficulty forecasting the weather 24 hours in advance, I’m not sure how much credence we should give this.

On the plus side, we got on with decorating, and we spent a lot of time working on Long Mynd club stuff. At least in the first few months, this is going to take up a lot of our time – hopefully, it will be productive and the club will end up stronger and more effective, providing more services for the members. Fortunately, we have a great group of people on the committee, and it should be a lot of fun working with them.

I’m writing this post, rather than Judith, because she is currently recording another podcast, on SIV courses – this will be a compilation from the people we went with on the SIV course at few weeks ago. Not sure when it will be available, but should be within an few weeks, once she has recorded everyone. It shoud be interesting, and should help people decide if an SIV course is worthwhile for them to do, or not.