After Wayne went on Tuesday, I was knackered and slouched off to bed at 10pm and slept soundly until 8am the following morning. Ten hours is nearly unheard of for me and this meant I had a night’s sleep in hand. I went to bed last night and couldn’t sleep at all. So I got up and read the final 340 pages of Stieg Larson’s Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I eventually managed to nod off at 7.30am, after the sun had come up and was awake again from 9am, so I was a little exhausted today. It was another great flying day inland and it was too nice a day to stay indoors for a second day running. After finishing some work, I offered to drive for Geoff, not having the energy for much of a flight myself. We thought Sant Pere de Rodes would work, since the forecast Tramunatana wind was due to cease today and the wind was supposed to turn south in the centre of the day. He would fly and then we would go to the beach for an ice cream and bum around.

Far from dropping, the wind stayed strong north and we switched our radio to the FFVL balise on top of the mountain only to be told it was blowing 24 – 45km/h from the north. We forgot the flying and just went to the beach in Roses instead. I had intended to have a snooze after our picnic, but I got so hot that I went for a swim instead. It was cold getting in, but lovely once you were swimming. It certainly woke me up. The temperature was supposed to be 24C, but a pub thermometer was showing 32C in the sun at 4pm, so pretty hot. Very relaxing day in the end, despite not getting that beach siesta.

Geoff writes: a beautiful day on the beach, and very relaxing, after a morning’s work. We were thinking of packing up and going for a walk, when two people arrived at the beach, got out their deckchairs, and started sunbathing. Fair enough, but this is a beach some miles long and almost deserted (as you can see from the photos). But they sat within ten feet of us. Bizarre….

See photos of today.