The zoological marvels continued last night as I found a baby Moorish gecko sitting outside on the window sill when I was talking to my mum on the phone. It was mega cute, with its tiny padded toes and titchy ringed tail. We don’t usually see them in Castellfollit and I couldn’t take a photo as they scare easily and I didn’t want to be responsible for it jumping from the third floor in an attempt to get away.

The forecast was terrible with rain, wind and thunderstorms forecast, but as usual, it was completely different. Despite the cloud this morning, there were blue patches most of the day and it was sunny from mid-afternoon. Most certainly flyable, but we worked instead. The forecast is pretty exciting for tomorrow… There’s a severe weather warning for the coast, where they predict storm 8/10 gales, with winds in excess of 125km/h and waves over 2.5m. If it was high pressure it would be flyable at Santa Brigida, but with low pressure in charge, we might get some pretty strong winds here too. I’ve brought the washing in just as a precaution and Geoff’s already fretting about the satellite dish.

Then to Rupit for a very pleasant dinner with my parents, and some new friends of theirs – with whom we know a lot of people in common. Small world…