Geoff writes: a morning of work (the conference is rapidly getting closer!) then out to fly. Very warm and sunny, windy at the coast, probably windy inland, windy in France – the wind was the Tramuntana, though, so a great day to go to Santa Brigida. And so it turned out, flyable there probably until dark. Lumpy thermals when we arrived, but got better later on; then the evening was pleasant ridge soaring, though by then we had had enough and decided to go home.

We met a few old friends, quite a few locals out for a change (given that it is Monday), though most of them launched in one of the few sink cycles. Also saw one of our old hang gliding friends, who also now flies PGs. And Johnny brought Alistair, a sky diving friend, who also flies wing suits and speed gliders. Obviously crazy! He’d done a lot of ground handling of paragliders, and today waited until the thermals had mostly gone, and then had his first paragliding flight – and did incredibly well, once he remembered he was paragliding and not sky diving. Even managed to top land twice.

So, all in all, a very enjoyable day.

See photos of today.