Ok, so we seem to be having the worst weather in Europe. But at least we have kind friends who keep us up to date with how nice it is in the UK and who helpfully point out that we left too soon and should have stuck around longer.

After a night of hard rain, it actually stopped at 11am and brightened up a touch. Not enough to go flying (even if it had got flyable, our gliders would have got soaked and muddy), but we decided to go for a walk instead. We did the ’round the cliff’ walk to check out how much water there is in the river and to check out the damage caused by the deluge. Quite a few trees have come down, but nothing like a few years ago when the water level nearly came to the bottom of the cliff and flooded the allotments on the other bank.

In the hope of finding an agreeable forecast, I had a hunt around the internet trying to suss out when the next non-work day would be. I’ve decided to abandon the local RASP, which had this as the local forecast for today:

Complete and utter codswallop! Berga was marked as yellow, with a high thermal updraft strength. Except the webcam showed the mountains behind Berga were clagged in most of the day. And you can see why:

The only really accurate forecast was the synoptic:

And here’s some actual photos from our village. Thermals? My arse!