With a synoptic like this, you’d think it would be flyable, but no… it was too windy again! We had meetings in the morning and were already getting calls asking if it was flyable on the Long Mynd, but it was clear from early on that it wasn’t. By lunchtime the sky was looking very good indeed, so Geoff packed the hang glider and we were about to head up the hill when Martin phoned to say that it was flyable for paragliders. We raced up, but when we got there it had started gusting again and we wrote it off. The rather large area (many square miles) of rain in the distance, as well as the cold, was putting Geoff off getting the hangie out, so we all went for cream tea in Stretton instead. You can’t beat the easy option!

We tried again on the way home, but it had picked up even more and Geoff doesn’t like gale hanging on the HG either, so we canned it and went home to have a bonfire instead.