Geoff writes: Another excellent day at Santa Brigida. We were a little late out, working this morning, and arriving about 2pm. Nani, Enric, Marc, Joan and Sergi were already there, and just about to launch for the first time – it had been off, but now the wind was on. At first it was a little scratchy, because the sun was hidden by cirrus. But as the sun came out, it got better, and was easy to stay up, and push out into the valley. There was also some ridge lift as the wind got a little stronger. Marc had the best height, probably around 1200 feet ATO. It also got a lot warmer, it had been quite cold when we arrived.

It was easily flyable for a couple of hours. The views were stunning, with some big wave clouds towards the mountains. People top landed, and Marc and I were the only ones in the air. The wind switched abruptly to west, we got below ridge height, and finally, after a struggle, bottom landed. Judith came down for us, and the others on top packed up too. After LZ beers and chat we drove home. However, as we left, it was probably flyable again, the flag at the hermitage was back on. A nice drive in the sun back home, with the wave gone, and just blue sky.

See photos of today.