July 2009

Monthly Archive

Friday, 17th July 2009

18 Jul 2009 | : Work

We had a whole lot of weather today. Lots of rain and lots of wind, in what the BBC weather service had described as a ‘kind of low pressure system normally seen in winter’. Great.

The British Paragliding Cup comp day was cancelled at 9am. I hooked up with Tony Spirling to record a podcast on Paragliding and the Mind, which is a fascinating talk on how your brain works and how you can optimise it to help you when flying.

After that we spentĀ some timeĀ on our backs in the garage doing some essential maintenance on Geoff’s hang glider, and entertaining friends for tea and scones. Geoff worked most of the day, doing some programming on the software platform we use for our conferences.

We’re keeping our fingers crossed for better weather for the rest of the weekend. It would be good if the comp could get at least a task in.

We’ll update the live feed on the right with news as it comes in tomorrow.

Thursday, 16th July 2009

16 Jul 2009 | : Flying

The forecast wasn’t convincing enough to rush off to the Peaks and the report from Elan Valley was windy, so we met up with Alistair Brown, Dave and Beth Thomson and headed to Clatter. It was an early day and we arrived at 11am. The sky was overcast and it started spitting as soon as Alistair and Dave launched. Geoff and I launched as well and as we were flying, we could see a lot of rain heading our way. So the decision was – have a short flight or go over the back and try to outrun the rain.

We all opted for the XC. As soon as we got high we could see rain showers all around us. Never mind. The lift was incredibly weak but I got to 1400-ish ATO and headed over the wind farm, which was quite exciting. Geoff and Dave were higher and Alistair and I struggled once we lost the thermal and had to go on a glide. He landed and I managed to circle in zeros until I landed in Adfa (2km further) on a verge next to the road. It’s good to practise your spot landings.

As soon as I landed the skies opened and I and the glider got soaked. A farmer came by and excitedly talked me through my flight (“You were circling and then you came and landed here!”) and then remarked that he’s only ever seen paragliders on a sunny day and what was I doing out on a day like today? Good question, that I didn’t really know the answer to. He told me that Adfa has no pub, no shop and no bus shelter. The place where people shelter from the rain is the holly bush, which he kindly pointed out to me. I was expecting a crowd already there, but everyone else obviously has homes or cars, so there were no other takers for the famous holly bush shelter today. I dumped my gear and waited to be retrieved. 20 mins later the farmer came back and gave me a big thumbs up to indicate that I was standing under the correct holly bush. 10 mins after that the rain really started and it was bouncing off the tarmac. Holly bushes have holes between the leaves, so whilst I am now pretty convinced of their sheltering properties, I got very, very wet. Nothing for it, out of my harness came my flying trousers, which I draped over my head. I must have looked a sight because cars started slowing, people were pointing and one car turned round to have a second look. Wales is full of eccentrics, so I was just trying to fit in with the locals.

Alistair and Beth rescued me in the end and we picked up the others. Fun day out!

Geoff got to Llanfair Caereinion (14km) and Dave to nearer Welshpool (20km or so). Oh, and we should have gone to the Peaks where someone flew 50km.

See photos of today.

Wednesday, 15th July 2009

16 Jul 2009 | : Flying

The forecast was for rain in the morning and sunshine in the afternoon, but howling. That’s exactly what happened. We were going to go for a day at the seaside, but then decided to probably go to the Peaks in the evening if the forecast for tomorrow is good. We messed around for a few hours doing some gardening, and then got ready to go to do archery when we saw a hang glider flying the Mynd. In the garden it was still howling, but we chucked the gear in the van and set off. When we got there it was fine for hang gliding and even seemed to be just about doable for a paraglider. Pete was having a fantastic flight, as high as the sail planes over Norbury.

We got Geoff’s glider off the roof and I started opening it up when a little sheepish voice informed me “I’ve left my harness at home.” Bloody hell, after twenty years of flying…

I raced back home and grabbed the harness (good job we only live 10 mins away) and Geoff had finished rigging the glider by the time I got back. It was way off to the south. Geoff W. and Nigel flew their paragliders, but I didn’t bother as rain was heading our way. Wayne launched and got up, but Geoff only got a short flight in before the rain came in.

It was too rainy for archery and we were starving, so we went out for a curry with Wayne, Odette, Graeme, Nigel and Pete.

Tuesday, 14th July 2009

14 Jul 2009 | : Boring stuff

Surprisingly (not!) it was raining and windy, with storms in the afternoon. I finished off the LMSC newsletter and spent hours printing it before going into Bishop’s Castle to snail mail it to the minority of our members who do not have an email address.

Once done, I helped Geoff to stuff his parachute back into the hang gliding harness. It’s been ‘airing’ in the spare room for a few days. Amazing how many bits of string there are. The manual was translated by people who only did the first tape of an English-in-a-day course and the pictures were too blurry to make out. Ah well, I’m sure it will be fine if he ever needs it.

Monday, 13th July 2009

14 Jul 2009 | : Archery

This summer is shaping up pretty much like the last two… disappointing. The weather forecast was terrible as usual with wind, rain and thunderstorms forecast from lunchtime.

We sneaked out for some archery before the deluge, but only managed an hour before the rain set in. Unfortunately, they were having a Church Stretton v. Bishop’s Castle inter-school competition, which was somewhat spoilt by the damp. Not sure who won, being fair weather archers, we skedaddled as soon as it started spitting.

Meanwhile in the Peak District, where we assumed it would be blown out, Andy was on his way from Eyam to Tadcaster. 79km! Sadly, Mike Johnson had an accident on launch, and we wish him a speedy recovery.

Back home it was more work, bit of gardening and then watching the big storms come in. I went out to the flicks with Tammy in the evening and the cunims over the Long Mynd were amazing. Massive and glistening so brightly in the sun they made your eyes water.

Sunday, 12th July 2009

12 Jul 2009 | : Walking

The forecast for today was shocking, so we agreed with Dave T and Dave J-H to cancel the second day of the comps here. Although it was a little cloudy in the morning, the day turned out beautiful. So nice that by lunchtime we couldn’t bear to be indoors any longer. We did something we have only done once before… walk along the Long Mynd.

When we got there we saw a couple of paragliding and hang gliding optimists, but it was howling. We just missed a sailplane bungee launch and were bitterly disappointed. We’ve always wanted to see a sailplane launch like that, but are never up there when the wind is strong enough.

We walked along to Black Knoll and got out our sandwiches and flask of tea and were entertained by an acro show by a sailplane. On our return they were just getting a glider ready to bungee launch again. Yipee. I got the camera ready. I was imagining them fastening the bungee rope to the nose of the glider and then using the land rover to tow the glider back and releasing it with a massive twang. You would, wouldn’t you?

Instead, they got three people to hold the rope, take up slack and then pull the glider off the hill. It was very sedate. Probably very exciting for sailplane enthusiasts, but childishly I was hoping for more bangs for my bucks.

Nice day out and I managed to mow the lawn before the big rain did start.

See video of the bungee launch.

Saturday, 11th July 2009

12 Jul 2009 | : Boring stuff

It rained and we worked. Yawn… I did go out to the Bishop’s Castle Beer festival in the evening, while Geoff stayed at home and watched TV. Great night out catching up with friends.

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