Graeme over CorndonThe forecast wasn’t very good, and it looked overcast from the moment we woke up. By 10am it did look flyable at Corndon, so we went for a look. Graeme was already in the air, but he landed soon after to have a chat. The conditions were smooth though not very lifty. It was overcast and very, very hazy, so much so that you could barely see the valley behind the hill. It was also a little gusty. I couldn’t muster the enthusiasm to get my glider out of the bag. We’ve flown (or been at) Corndon so much recently that a bit of sitting around in the air just didn’t appeal. Graeme was more committed, and had another flight.

We went for a coffee with Graeme and then did the garden. It did get sunny for a spell in the afternoon, but the wind had picked up to the extent that it was blown out for HGs as well.

Geoff’s comments: the British Paragliding Cup competition is now on, which explains the lousy forecast for the next few days. They did in fact have a task today, from the Blorenge. 20k task, winner did 15k, base only 800′ above the Blorenge. So not a stunning day, but at least they flew. It’s likely to be the one and only task, though.

See photos of today.

See video of Graeme’s launch.