The last post
Posted by Geoff on 13 Jun 2011 at 10:51 am | Tagged as: Other
Geoff writes: sadly, this is the last post on this blog – though the site will remain available indefinitely so people can still access the resources, the podcasts, etc.
For something which started out over three years ago as a private online diary, just to resolve arguments between Judith and me on how the weather was on such and such a day, it has grown a lot, and been huge fun for us to do. We always tried to give an honest account of the day (the flying, that is), and hope we achieved that. We also at some point decided to try to turn it into a useful resource for pilots, particularly with the podcasts (and later, webcasts) which have proved massively popular all over the world, with tens of thousands of downloads. There are also various articles on flying, plus the site and comp live updates via a Twitter feed.
We have had a lot of support from people over the years, giving us feedback and encouraging messages, and, of course, lots of pilots were willing to share their time and expertise in the podcasts – this has been much appreciated, by us, and by the thousands of readers of the blog. Together, we turned this into one of the best flying blogs around.
So, many thanks again, to all our readers and contributors. It wouldn’t have been the same without you.
11 Responses to “The last post”
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The Blog will be sadly missed by many. It’s always nice to know what’s been going on whilst everyone else had less important things to do. Thank you for putting the time and effort into it.
Thats a shame! I’ll have to change my routine! Thanks for the effort it must take to blog nearly every day, see you on the Mynd some day.
Tim and I have enjoyed reading it too, Geoff, even though all the flying stuff is way over our heads (sorry about the pun!) Best wishes, call in if you’re over this way at all, love from Barbara and Tim
End of an era. Sorry to here that the blog’s ending. I use to look forward to see what flying I’d missed while sat on the rigs!! Mike
Many thanks to you both for the thousands of wise words, the fantastic pictures, the entertaining stories and of course all the very informative podcasts. Brilliant stuff, which will be greatly missed by me and many others.
Thanks Barbara and Tim, I really appreciate that.
C’est la vie… as zey say in Manchester, can’t add much more than has been said already.Your blog was one of my daily visits.
Will be missed
Guys….I am gutted. The blog has kept me entertained over the last couple of years. Well done on all the time and effort you have both put into it. It will be with great sadness that I remove it from my favourites list.
Geoff and Judith, I too read your blog every day and it will be missed as it also kept me up to date on your travels and adventures. Now lets see if you can actually stop writing, or if the bug will pick up after a couple of months. The blog was really entertaining and made me realize how the weather in UK really is. Take care
i see a dark cloud of facebook looming over your head buuuahhhhh buahh buahh
i look forward see you guys in spain….. if i ever get off this boat 🙂
Hi Both,
This is a very sad day for people who enjoy flying paragliders and like to here from people living the dream. Many thanks for both of your time producing this blog and collection of pod casts etc.
If I ever get to fly XC, some of the motivation to fly from the hill will have come from these web pages.
Best wishes