Geoff writes: well, as usual, it was very windy. It was also very, very cloudy in the morning, I couldn’t even see the Mynd, so that ruined Plan A, which was going walking in the Berwyns. So, after doing a few things around the house, the weather improved, the sun came out, and I went to the archery club to try out my new bow. It is a lot better than the old one, but I’m not absolutely sure it is the right one yet. I’ll try it again in the next few days, and if not, it’s a trip back to the shop to get a more expensive one.

No-one, as far as I know, flew on the Mynd today. It was very top end for HGs too, and I didn’t see any in the air, or at the parking as I drove past, and I didn’t want to fly on my own.