The forecast for this morning was light, near non-existent, winds. There was some discrepancy over direction too, but we decided to go with the synoptic, and go to Llangollen. We decided to car share with Mark L. and got to catch up on all the gossip on the way. We were all expecting just to sit around in the sunshine most of the day, so we were amazed to see gliders high and happily soaring. A quick catch-up with Briggsy later, I got in the air. Martin had already been flying a while and said how strong the inversion was, and it was easy to get to 800′ ATO, but to get to 1000′ was a real struggle. Over the back it was completely blue and with only 1000′ it was clear we weren’t going anywhere.

I had a fun flight and then landed to have a comfort break. A few people had gone down to the bottom landing, so I decided I would go on a mercy mission and collect them. I got to the bottom junction to find Sprinty had beaten me to it! Once I got back to take-off, nobody was flying and the wind had turned completely east. We all sat around for another hour and then gave up. It was beer o’clock anyway.

I did twitter the flyability of the site, but didn’t realise that the text wasn’t sent until I switched the phone back on on the way home. Doh!

See photos of today.