Geoff writes: we may be good tour guides for other people, but not so good when it comes to ourselves – today was a completely messed up day.

The forecast looked OK for flying, and it was sunny here, though with some big clouds (as you might expect with the ground so wet), but plenty of blue, so off we went to Bellmunt. But as soon as we came out of the tunnels on the other side of the pass, there was complete cloud cover, and the launch, and most of the ridge, was in cloud. So we phoned others to warn them not to bother, turned round, and went to Santa Brigida, where it was sunny, but too far west, and with the wind picking up. So after chatting in the landing field for a while, we consoled ourselves with the thought of going to the Olot carnival this evening – a massive affair, which should have been yesterday at 5.00pm, but was postponed to today because of the rain yesterday. It’s a great event, with many really impressive floats, and we always enjoy going. 

As we drove there, we saw a couple of floats heading the wrong way – and after we’d parked and were walking in, we saw more and more people in costumes, also walking the wrong way. We finally asked a policewoman, who said it was finished – it had started around 11.30 – whereas we had assumed it would be the same time as originally planned – and we had checked their web site this morning, just to make sure, but there was no mention of a revised time.

To add insult to injury, we were soaked by the street cleaners…

The forecast for the next couple of days is rain, but better after that. And yesterday, there was 50cm of new snow at Masella.