Geoff writes: we woke up to rain. We got up early, because skiing seemed the only option, and it would take a while to sort out everyone with ski hire and tickets. The forecast for here was rubbish, but getting better further west, and in the mountains. And actually, this was largely accurate. It rained most of the way to Masella, but as we got closer, the sun started to appear, and there was no rain there. It just got better throughout the day, and in fact ended with wall to wall sunshine – though looking towards the coast, it was still cloudy.

We had a great day’s skiing – a little crowded, and the snow lower down was slushy, since it was quite warm, but higher up, it was fine. I would mention all the times Wayne fell over, except that on the final run, I fell quite hard too, again, so better not mention Wayne’s crashes. I feel I’ve been skiing much better overall this year, but also I’ve fallen far more than I have ever done before, so obviously I’m doing something wrong, and need to work on my technique a lot. I might spend some time on this tomorrow.

We finished with the usual apres ski beers in t-shirts, in the sun. A really enjoyable day.

Driving back, the closer we got to home, the worse the weather got, and clearly most of the area had been in cloud most of the day. And in fact, it was still raining at home. We definitely made the right call going to ski.

See photos of today.