We’ve got a lot on this week, with work, socialising, skiing and flying. Trying to make the most of it is turning into a logistical challenge! We decided to go skiing once this week but needed to pick the day. We’re hoping to go flying with Nicky tomorrow and Friday’s forecast looks uncertain… needless to say, we went into dither mode. In the end what clinched it was the forecast for here. Grey skies towards the coast, blue in the mountains.

We’d forgotten that it’s Semana Blanca (white week), where the kids take a week off from school to do activities – these can be anything, skiing, archery, arts and crafts, whatever their school organises. The ski resorts always get busy at these times, and we were horrified to find we actually had to queue for a lift! Normally during the week we feel we have the place to ourselves, so it’s always a bit of a shock to the system when others turn up.

Anyway, they churned up the snow and made it less pleasant, so we packed up half-way through the day. After a nice cold beer in the sunny car park, we drove off and were almost immediately under the grey claggy sky. It got worse and worse as we drove closer to home. Really pleased we made the decision to head north and make the most of the good weather. Especially since I’ve just seen the updated forecast for tomorrow. Really crap!

See photos of today.