Geoff writes: hot weather, humid, lots of big clouds, but never did rain. I was going to go to the Malverns, but the forecast was for it to go south quite quickly. In the end, I went to the Gyrn. It was, kind of, flyable, but very much off to the east. Had a couple of flights, got flushed on the last one. It seemed to stay east a lot longer than I expected, and probably I’d have been better off at Bache or Corndon. Don’t know if anyone did anything there.

Storms in PiedrahitaJudith writes: It was clear from the outset that it would be too windy/stormy today. I went to the briefing and Mark Hayman gave us a really good briefing about the area and safety. I headed back to bed straight after… I wasn’t just hung over, but I am having trouble sleeping. Not what you need at a comp.

By the afternoon I was feeling ok again, so went to Nicky’s house and hung out with the lads. The sky was looking more and more impresive so I hooked up with Dave Thomson and we went storm chasing. It was absolutely amazing. We were treated to double rainbows, columns of rain, lightening, the lot. We were in awe of the spectacle we were seeing. Whilst we were driving around, Dave showed me the main thermal sources in the area.