Geoff writes: back home after the skiing trip, we decided to have an afternoon flying, after doing some work in the morning. Warm, sunny, south west and nice cumulus. We met up with Oriol to go up Bellmunt, quite optimistic about the condition, and hoping that maybe the thermals would be high enough, or there would be convergence, so we could cross the (small, 1500m) mountains to get to Olot. Judith has done this before, I never have.

I was first to launch, and struggled to stay up, managing to soar on the lower ridge, going up and down a few hundred feet. Judith, then Oriol, then others who had turned up, also launched. It was a real struggle even to get back above launch height. Judith landed first, then I gave up and went down after about 40 minutes. The others flew for a bit longer, but it never got any better. A surprisingly poor day, given the sky looked so great. Probably this was due to another inversion, we are plagued with them at the moment. Though having said that, it was soarable most of the day, and as we were leaving about 5.00pm, a latecomer was still on the ridge, maintaining.