Less windy today and the high pressure is getting closer… good Santa Brigida conditions. And so it was. We got there to find it packed. Nearly all the Niviuk staff seemed to be having a day out and were flying all sorts of different machines, as well as Dominique flying the new Niviuk proto harness. It looks like (and is probably as aerodynamic as) a kayak. Apparently you can sit up in it without creating as much drag as an open harness. It certainly seemed to carve through the air pretty smoothly.

It was a bit up and down at first and then, as usual, it just got better and better. By 2.30pm the thermals were well established, pleasant and took you through the inversion. It was cold up there though. We have a cold weather warning (cold by Spanish standards, anyway), and despite my seven layers and three gloves I got cold above 800′ ATO, so I stayed below that, although others headed up and around a triangle.

It was flyable all day, and it was a really sociable day with so many people out.

[10pm edit] Just heard from Oriol, they went to Bellmunt and got up to 2200m AMSL in thermals and then hit convergence. Some landed in Olot. Never thought that Bellmunt would work in north wind. Amazing. Spring has really started.

See photos of today.