Geoff writes: well, amazingly enough, it was flyable, for hang gliders at least. In the morning we loaded up the van with my hang glider, the paragliders and the archery stuff. Drove past the Mynd launch. It was windy, big clouds, but probably ok for hang gliders. We carried on driving and went to archery for a leisurely few hours, doing some shooting, getting some coaching advice, and chatting.

We then drove back to the Mynd, late afternoon, where the wind had picked up, but the sky was perfect. Pete had flown his hang glider a couple of times already. I rigged, and though the wind was still strong, had a nice flight for an hour, getting around 1600′ ATO, before leaving the thermal and coming back to the front – I could have gone with it, but it was late in the day and not worth it. I thought it was quite smooth, though Wayne said it was a bit rough.

People were still flying hang gliders when we left, getting quite high (maybe there was some wave about) and a red streamer, Stewart, was about to launch. Hopefully, you had a good flight Stewart!

The wind never really dropped enough for paragliders (other than Nigel on his Bobcat, a speedwing), though right at the end of the day, as it was getting dark, we did see two PGs flying.

So for me at least it was a fun day, and the first flight on the HG for a few months.