Geoff writes: it was a pretty bad forecast for today, but when we woke up it was sunny, and stayed that way for the rest of the day – and much warmer than recently, too. So we had another flyable day – nine out of the last ten days have been flyable here, mostly at Santa Brigida, but other sites have also worked on some of the days. Yesterday was so thermic, probably every site near here would have been good.

So today was still pretty thermic, but much less rough than yesterday. Amazingly, for a weekend, when we turned up at Santa Brigida we were the only ones there. A phone call brought Johnny out, and a couple of others turned up and flew very briefly. So pretty deserted really. Maybe everyone had been put off by the forecast. It was flyable until late afternoon, when it finally switched off.

And as for the forecast, at 8.00 am it was saying it was rubbish today. At 11.30am it changed completely, to say it was going to be sunny and warm. I guess whoever does the meteocat web site finally looked out of the window and realised what a piece of garbage the 8.00 forecast was.