No live sessions over the weekend, so we’re having some time off and just doing the minimum to keep the conference ticking over. We need a rest before the actual conference starts – both to preserve our sanity and our wrists/mouse fingers. We were hoping we would be blessed with good flying weather as Nicky was coming up for the weekend, but the day started with rain and wind. By lunchtime the sun was shining, but it was still too windy. When Nicky arrived we just had time for a walk round the cliff/village and then dinner.

I haven’t had much time or inclination to cook recently, but having a visitor gave me the chance to plan and cook a small feast. We had asparagus gratin for starters, then carrot, almond and feta terrine wrapped in vine leaves with a green pepper-corriander salsa and lemon sorbet for dessert.

Nicky claimed not to be very good at games and then wiped the floor with us on her first ever go at Labyrinth. No good indeed!