Geoff writes: we woke up to rain, but the forecast was improving, and whilst probably not flyable, it looked like it might be sunny later. So we decided to go for a walk to Cap Norfeu. This is a stunning headland, just north of Roses, with sea on both sides. When we arrived there, the sun was out, and it was warm – and hot walking around it! A 4km walk took us about two hours, with stops to look around hermits’ caves, and for a picnic.

We got back to the car, and drove to the nearest beach for sunbathing, timing it spectacularly badly, just as the sun went in. We stayed for a while, had a snooze, then drove to the top of the next hill, back into the sun – and realised the cloud we were under whilst on the beach was a growing cu-nim. So we were sat on the top of the hill, overlooking Roses, in the warm sun again – whilst behind us was a massive cu-nim, with thunder and lightning. A bit strange.

Next on the tourist itinerary was a dolmen, since Wayne had never seen one. 5000 year old tombs, there are loads of them round here. It’s just a giant cemetery….

And finally, down to the promenade at Roses, a walk along the beach, seeing some of the brilliant sand art, coffee and beer, and back home.

Where we celebrated the end of the summer PG XC League, and confirmed that Judith has won the prize for highest placed DHV1/2 (EN B) glider, coming 35th overall. A brilliant achievement!

See photos of today.