Walking on Cabrera.Geoff writes: After yesterday, which was a bit of a stressful flight, and the good flying we’d had earlier in the week at Berga, we decided last night to have a day off, and to go for a long walk with Judith’s parents. On the drive up to their house this morning, it became more and more clear that this was going to be a great flying day (obviously that would happen once we’d written the day off for flying). By the time we left their house for the walk, the cumulus were regular, and nicely spaced; and winds reasonably light. The sky looked epic – a much over-used word, but accurate in this case. Our walk took us up the high ridge of Aiats from where we could see Belmunt, Puig d’Afrou, Santa Brigida and Roca Corba. On top of the ridge we got a call from Roger saying he’d just flown over the area in his Ryanair plane to land at Girona, and seen lots of paragliders flying between Puig d’Afrou and Santa Brigida. Sure enough, a few minutes later, we saw about eight in total, in different gaggles, well on their way to Olot. Some turned round and headed back towards Santa Brigida – the rest continued, were very high, and could well have gone a very long way! No doubt we’ll find out tomorrow.

Despite seeing them, we had an excellent walk. We climbed up Aiats, had a picnic and then traversed the ridge to climb up the steps to the mountain of Cabrera. Stunning scenery, and, as ever, very few other people around, except when we came to the cafe in the church on top of Cabrera. There seem to be churches on top of most mountains here, not all of them with cafes, but quite a lot of them (Belmunt and El Mont also have churches and cafes). It was a wonderful walk, one of the nicest I’ve done here.

See photos of today.