So today we were going for our first flight back in Spain. The forecast, well Meteocat, said it would be fine, but Oriol didn’t think it would be much of a day and decided to go kite surfing. Bellmunt would have been the best bet, but we had no mates to share rides with, so we came up with an alternative plan, which was go to Santa Brigida and if it wasn’t any good, carry on to the coast.

When we arrived at Santa Brigida, the wind was way off and it was far too windy to fly. The two places on the coast we had identified as possible where Tossa de Mar or Calella de Parafugel and the former was closer, so if it did become flyable, we could drive back and have an evening flight.

As we got closer to the coast, it go hotter and one thermometer in a pharmacy showed 30C. On the beach it was packed, mostly with German teenagers on school trips. We made the cardinal error of putting our towels near a group of rather attractive young girls. As the afternoon progressed we were crowded out by randy young males who did their best to impress the chicks. Geoff was lucky – he didn’t understand a word, so could read, while I was driven to distraction by their inane drivel.

We both went snorkeling a few times and although I usually think that sandy beaches are not great for seeing fish, there are enough rocks around for plenty of shoals. The tourist boats that come right onto the shore sometimes make the water a bit murky with their emissions, but otherwise it was really good for seeing fish. Once the kids stared kicking each other with sand to attract each other’s attention we had enough and packed up and went for a walk up into the old town. Tossa is the only still intact walled town on the Catalan coast and it’s really lovely. It’s not trashed and although we don’t go often we always like it when we do. We even discovered a Roman villa, which is well preserved (by Roman ruin standards!).

See photos of today.