For three days in a row now Meteocat has completely (and I mean completely) changed at the 11.30am forecast. Luckily these days there is still enough daylight to change the plan for the day. And so it was today…

We had our heart set on going flying today and snorkeling tomorrow. However, once we set off to Santa Brigida, we noticed the strengthening winds and phoned Marc for a second opinion. He concurred that it was marginal and it was probably better to fly tomorrow, so we swung the car round, dumped the gliders and sped to the coast. We went to our favourite little bay which is out of the wind and therefore the sea is calm enough to see lots of fish without getting a gobful of salt water every time you inhale. We pumped up the kayak and Geoff went first. He was a bit lazy, so only carried it to the edge of the water, sat it in and promptly got stuck. The swell pinned him to the spot and he couldn’t get the paddles in enough to propel himself off. I took pity on him once other people’s giggles got too loud and gave him a push off.

I went for a snorkel until Geoff came back from the paddle and I scrambled onto the spray deck and he took me out to sea and then we let ourselves drift back into the bay on the waves. By this time the wind had picked up a bit, so I went for a snooze and then I had a go on the kayak, we swam some more, sunbathed…

By 5pm the sun was getting low over the back of the hill, so we packed up and went for a beer at the car, when I spotted the biggest praying mantis I have ever seen. Her body was the size of my small finger and bottom to antennae, she was the length of the tip of my thumb to the beginning of my wrist. She’s obviously had one too many blokes as snacks.

See photos of today.