A windy, sunny day, so we worked and did gardening, until it seemed to start to drop off and a hang glider started flying. We got ready fast and headed up the Long Mynd. I had some test flying to do – both for a new harness and my old glider, which I’m giving away. When we arrived it was light and perfectly flyable, although there was some dark cloud upwind and much debating whether it was rain or not.

I got the Zoom out, checked it over, groundhandled it and then took off. It was silky smooth and I spent a lot of the time flying hands off, just steering with my body. It’s a nice glider. After a short while the lift got weaker, so I flew over the wind sock and noticed it was dropping, so I top landed while I had the chance. The wind dropped some more and the others didn’t get off because it was so light. Then we felt some spots of rain and we legged it back to the car. Geoff and I decided to call it a day, having at least flown one thing. However, when we got back home, the rain must have stopped up the hill (not at our house, it was still spitting there), because Nick Bubb had taken off and was doing some gentle soaring.

Music night with Michaela later…