Geoff writes: I spent the morning sorting out issues around Corndon, doing some club work. This took me longer than I expected, and involved visiting a horse breeder underneath Corndon. Judith and David worked on another webcast, this time on thermalling.

Although very cloudy, we thought it was flyable, but a bit too northerly for the Long Mynd. People were flying there, but not doing very well, so we went to the Lawley, which was more or less bang on, and, in spite of the cloud, we had a good day. David and I went XC, though not very far, around 15km, with a very low base. (Graeme also did a short XC before we arrived). Judith was still a bit ill, she flew but didn’t want to get too high because being a bit bunged up, the pressure hurt her ears. So she landed and retrieved us.

As we got back to the Lawley, after two pubs and some food, Dave JH and Steve Dean had just landed, having flown for some hours. So the Lawley was definitely the place to be in this area. We saw Rich when driving back over the Long Mynd, and he had struggled to get a couple of hundred above launch; and Nigel Lasseter in his sailplane had worried about having to bottom  land.

See photos of today.