Geoff writes: Our conference opened for reading today, which meant we had to register everyone, send out login information, etc. So we certainly couldn’t take the whole day out, even if it isn’t the actual conference, just the pre-conference reading week. However, we did manage to go out for a few hours this afternoon – and since the conference has delegates from all over the world, by the time we got back, some people were just logging on for the first time anyway.

It was a little chilly, but very sunny, with some nice cumulus. We went to Santa Brigida, which at first was very westerly, but gradually came around to the south. We managed to fly around 4.00pm, Judith eventually top landing, and me going down to the bottom when the thermals switched off. The place to be was, in fact, Puig d’Afrou, just down the road, but it’s a long drive up the mountain, and not top landable, and given our time constraints (and no-one to share a car with) we didn’t go. However, there were some French guys there – we saw two flying, getting pretty high, far higher than we did, and one at least probably went XC towards Olot. It was a great day if you were in the right place …….