Geoff writes: we were quite optimistic about today, but it turned out to be blue, no cumulus at all, and more or less nil wind. What wind there was, was on the Long Mynd. We did some gardening, and watched Paul Loz haveĀ a few goes, but get nothing. Kai, however, turned up later on and did manage to get a good thermal, and climbed high, and set off on a triangle. He came towards our house, getting lower the closer he got. Judith decided to wave a blanket at him, which he saw, and shouted down. I wanted her to flash him, to distract him even more, but she – unsportingly – refused. However, we did find out later that he landed at Bishop’s Castle, so no triangle for him today. Clearly, there were thermals, but I don’t think – from Kai’s flight – that they were that good, or that close together.

We went to archery late afternoon, and had a nice time. Driving back over the Mynd, it had come on a bit better, with a slightly stronger wind, and one or two people had managed some soaring. Not a great day though.