We went skiing today at La Molina. The forecast was for variable cloud, so we didn’t know what to expect. It was dreary and grey as we left home, but we climbed above the cloud as we went over the pass towards St Joan de les Abadesses. As we got closer to La Molina we could see, hear and feel the wind. It was going to be a cold day…

On arrival, I supplemented my five layers of clothing with another three and waddled up to the ski lift looking like the Michelin Man in black. The highest lifts were all closed due to the wind, but it was rather nippy up there anyway, so we elected to ski the bottom half of the resort.

Geoff’s new skis have made a massive difference. He’s a different skier. We did the big black run before our first cup of coffee, he was so confident on the Dynarods (as he calls them – Dynastar, really!). On any flattish bits he was sailing past me shouting  ‘My skis are faster than yours!’. He must like them… he wouldn’t let me have a go on them at all.

So it started off sunny, but soon big wave bars started to appear. One spread into a sort of lentistratus and blocked out the sun. The temperatures dipped immediately. The other issue was that you can read the snow well when it’s just shade, but the clouds made this really weird light which made the snow look really uniform and flat. The snow quality was excellent, but it was harder to ski than usual because of the light and the wind made your eyes water too. Still, lots of fun and nice to be out after so many days stuck at home.

See photos of today.