Geoff writes: Cloudy at first, but the sun came out and it turned into a really nice day. Vincent phoned to say it was south at Girona, so I duly set off for Santa Brigida (Judith away for a few days). On the way, I could see the duvet effect (our term) of the clouds on the hills (or small mountains, really) in the Val d’en Bas. The duvet effect is where the cloud spills over them, clingng to the top. I’m not exactly sure what causes this – it isn’t typical orographic cloud. Anyway, it’s always a bad sign, it usually means it is the wrong direction at Santa Brigida. And right on time, Vincent phoned again to say it was strong west at Santa Brigida. So I turned back.

Whilst Santa Brigida nearly always works, it is useless in a westerly. There is a westerly site, just to the north of Girona, but it was south there.

Lousy forecast for Saturday, much better for Sunday.