Geoff and Marc high over St BrigidaGeoff writes: an excellent day at Santa Brigida. Strong northerlies forecast, and as we drove through Olot it was very windy. But arriving at launch, around 1.30, the wind was around 7 or 8mph, and more or less straight on. And a great sky with nice cumulus, very sunny. Basically, it was easily flyable all day until the sun went down – nice thermals earlier, then later just ridge life.

At times, it was hard to get down to top land. We didn’t get to any great height, max around 500′ ATO, though I’m sure we could have climbed more had we gone back a bit with the thermals – but given the abundance of lift, it was just nice, easy boating around, with nice views of the snow-covered Pyrenees behind, and not worth making the effort to get higher.

Marc from Ribes arrived just after us, and also flew; and (because we’d posted on the forum that we were going out) Fran from Blanes came – Fran has only just qualified, so he waited a while until the thermals were less strong, then had what was probably his first flight other than top to bottoms, flying for about 20 minutes, without a vario, before bottom landing.

All in all, an excellent day – a shame there were no more people there. Each year, there are fewer pilots here.

See photos of today.

See Marc’s photos of today.