Big wave bars over Castellfollit.

Geoff writes: Woke up to no power, the whole village had no electricity. So no access to forecasts. There were huge wave bars around, and we eventually went to Sta Brigida, where, as usual, it was flyable. The weather was not great, pretty cloudy, and very cold. This hasn’t been the best year for weather. I launched first, it was thermic and smooth, nice flying; Judith launched, and it got rougher, and the wind began to switch a little to the west. Eventually, we both went down.

We went back up again with Vincent who turned up straight from flying in Morocco; it was soarable, Vincent and Joan (who also turned up) both flew; but nothing special, so we went off to eat a late lunch. Today was the fifth day’s flying in a row – not brilliant flying but OK – so we weren’t desperate to get every last minute. Tomorrow looks like it might rain a bit; we’ll have a day off and do some work.