Geoff and Marc The forecast was for NW 6/8 tramuntana winds at the coast and when we woke up we could already see massive wave bars heading our way from the Pyrenees. The only place that reliably works in those conditions is Santa Brigida.

We had to go up to Rupit to check my parents house this morning, since the central heating has gone a bit flaky. A quick wind check showed that the wind in Angles was negligible and south, so we headed out. Pep, Joan and Enric were already there and said conditions were excellent. Easy, smooth lift.

We got ready and found it a little bouncy. We flew around for a little while and then it got sinky, Geoff and Enric top landed and I made an approach, got loads of height and decided to stay in the air so deliberately overshot. Two minutes later I was in the bottom landing field. Arrrgggh!

Geoff collected me and Marc turned up. He’s a lucky beggar and 10 mins after he arrived the sun came out. We all got very excited and launched to find it thermic. Entering the thermals was interesting, as they were still getting their act together. Geoff and I top landed when it went a bit scratchy, but they seemed to be getting up again, so I went back to launch. I remarked to Geoff that the strengthening wind didn’t seem to result in any lift. God knows why I didn’t listen to myself, because hey presto, two minutes after I launched I was in the bottom landing field, again. I have been in the bottom landing field more times in the last couple of weeks than I was in 3 months last year. I wasn’t the only one getting drilled. Marc and Enric both landed with me, and all of us had a bumpy ride into the valley. After this the sky shut down and the wind was turning more east, so everyone else canned it for the day.

See photos of today.