Joan at Santa Brigida.Still a tramuntana blowing at the coast, so another day at Santa Brigida. When we got there Joan was getting high on his Zoom, so we raced up. On top was Xevi, whom we’ve not seen for months, and Joan had just top landed. Joan reported that the cycles were well spaced, with lots of sink in between. Xevi and Juan took off again, and promptly went down, so I drove down to collect them.

On getting back up, conditions had improved and Geoff climbed straight from launch. Xevi and Joan only needed to spread their gliders, so I was last in the air and high cloud came in shutting the thermals down. We top landed and sat it out for a while. I launched again and went down. I got a lift back up with Fran, who is very low airtime but happy with a TTB. I flew a third time, but again, just down. Overall, it was an OK day, and was probably soarable for a couple of hours.

Tomorrow we are hoping to hook up with Joan to go to Coma Negra. We can see it from the house but have never flown it. Fingers crossed!