Geoff writes: a good forecast for the day with strong thermals forecast everywhere. Went to Long Mountain to meet up with Martin, MickĀ and Dave. I was driving retrieve, since we had the LMSC AGM in the evening, and it wasn’t possible for us both to go XC – but in the end, neither of us did.

Long Mountain was a little off; Dave and Martin flew, and it was rough. Judith launched, and got lifted up, more or less completely out of control. It was very scary to watch. She got down OK, followed by the others, and we decided to try Leavesley’s hill, where the direction was better. We rushed off there at high speed, to find it not working that well when we arrived. People had a few goes but slope landed. Then Mark and Paul did get up, and gradually worked their way to just over 5000′, but none of the others got any height.

We finally left about 4.30, having given up the idea of XC, and went home prior to going to the AGM.

The AGM was fine, relatively short, nothing contentious.

We talked to a few people from other places, and it seemed unusually rough everywhere. Nevertheless, there were 32 XC flights for the day in the League, with two over 100km. As usual this year, nothing from our area.