Geoff writes: we went to Bellmunt today, and made a good decision. Plenty of people there, and though it started off weak, it soon changed and there were some very strong thermals. It was a bit rough at times, but this was my first flight on my new Artik 2, and it behaved very well. Certainly more dynamic than the Hook, as you would expect, but it felt pretty safe, and the performance is excellent. Judith flew too, and also found it rough.

Eventually, everyone landed, and we went for a beer in the bar.

We were meant to be leaving Spain tomorrow and spending some days in France on the way back to the UK, but we’ve abandoned that idea, since the forecast for France is poor, whereas here it is still fine – though could be a bit windy for the next couple of days. Either way, we’ll be back in the UK next Saturday – with somewhat mixed feelings this time, but hopefully this year will be better than the last.

See photos of today.