Geoff on the Gyrn.The forecast was for lighter winds around here and stronger further south. We chose Corndon over the Malverns for that reason. The mist cleared out early on and we headed up the hill with an increasingly good-looking sky. When we got up to the top, it was howling. The Gyrn was still clagged in and we could see why. We seemed to be in an island surrounded by a sea of low cloud on most sides. Graeme reported strong winds at Bache too, so we did some shopping and then received a 3jam to say it was flyable at the Gyrn.

Lots of people were there and it was scratchy to start with, but by 3.30pm it was nice and thermic, but very smooth. I got to 941′ ATO, which was above the inversion, where you could cruise around without any sink at all. After a while I had to land for a comfort break, so we packed up and headed home.

See photos of today.

See Andrew Donnison’s video of today.