Geoff writes: the forecast wasn’t brilliant, it was pretty cloudy, but it seemed like it might be flyable at Santa Brigida, and it was, just. We were the first there (apart from someone having a morning flight) and I launched, scratched a while and went down. No sun, little wind. Judith came and got me, and meanwhile some others arrived, Jordi, Joan, Albert, and Pepe. Getting back up, the wind was a bit stronger, and a few of us launched and managed to maintain, some top landing. I was getting a bit low, so did the Santa Brigida equivalent of a slope landing. You can’t slope land unless you like landing in trees, but there is a very small shelf just below launch, which is just about landable, though most people don’t try it. I managed to get in there, so at least I top landed.

Another flight at the end of the day, with an eventual bottom landing, and that was about it. Soarable, but not epic (though they did have a reasonable day yesterday, apparently, with about 300 metres ATO, and flyable all day).

See photos of today.