Geoff writes: we woke up to a sky worse than forecast – what’s new!

Loads of wave bars, and a front due to arrive sometime today. We decided to do yet more work, since the conference opens for reading on Tuesday, and we have lots to do, not least in trying to deal with the incredibly annoying inconsistencies between browsers when rendering what should be a very simple CSS/JavaScript drop down menu for use on the conference site.

But then the sky started to clear a little, so we decided to go for a walk in Banyoles, rather than try again to fly – we thought it would be too windy. In the end we had a really nice walk all around the lake, during which time both the wind and the temperatures increased. We ended up walking in quite  a strong wind – too strong to fly – but in t-shirts, it was so warm, not bad for mid-November. The Banyoles council (presumably) has done a lot of work improving the area around the lake, with nice viewpoints, drinking fountains, etc. And all extremely clean, with very little litter.

So actually, a pretty nice day out, followed up by some more work when we got back home.

See photos of today.