The weather today was decidedly more cloudy, but still worth going out for a flight at Santa Brigida. We got there later than desired and Joan and Oriol were already there. It was light, but the high cloud was in the distance, so we were in sunshine. Geoff went off first and maintained, so Oriol followed him. They both got very low but managed to climb back up in a small thermal. When they got up, it was still a bit scratchy, but Joan launched too. For three it was a little tricky, so I held back. As soon as Geoff slope  landed (on the tiny bit of the hill that isn’t tree covered) the other two got a good climb and I launched too, and Geoff followed. From them on staying up was a no-brainer, for a while. Big, smooth, lazy bubbles you just needed to lie sideways in. What the Germans call snogging-thermals, I discovered today.

The high cloud did come over us eventually and caused the thermals to get weaker. More and more people turned up as the day got lighter and lighter. On days like today when there is high cloud and little wind you need to be there at the centre of the day – late afternoon is usually too late for anything other than a flydown. The clocks have changed, so it’s actually an hour later, without strong, clear sun to cause proper thermals, and later restitution, getting there at 4pm isn’t going to work.

See photos of today.