Today may be the last hot (27C) and sunny day and although Geoff was keen to go flying, we had no playmates and I didn’t want to go to Santa Brigida (we’ll be spending plenty of time there in the depth of winter). I’ve been wanting to go snorkeling for weeks and today was the day. We headed off to the bay near Roses and climbed down the path laden with gear – canoe, snorkeling stuff, books, towels, picnic, etc. To our amazement, there were lots of people there. Normally when we go there it’s deserted. We pumped up the canoe and I paddled out to the island off the shore and across to the cove. It was brilliant being out on the sea. I paddled back and gave Geoff a go while I got my snorkel and went to look at the fish. I saw about 11 different varieties. Mostly saddled bream, black tailed wrasse, cow bream and rainbow wrasse. The water was lovely and warm enough even for Geoff to go in and stay in for a good snorkel about.

We dried off lying about on the shore reading our books and then went in for another go. We’ve discovered we can use the canoe as a two-man job by me lying on the front, so Geoff paddled me around the bay while I sunbathed.

I had a quick look at the blog for this day last year. What a contrast!

See photos of today.