Flying at Santa Brigida

We went flying at Santa Brigida. The forecast looked promising for the coast and flying at Sant Pere de Rodes, but it all turned out cloudier than we thought. By the time we decided where to go there was nobody else out to play, so we went to good old Santa Brigida so we would both be able to fly.

On the drive there the sky was just looking better and better. There were cloud streets for miles and we were getting very excited about the flying prospects. I launched first and sank out! I tried my hardest for a low save, but nothing was working properly. Half up, half down. The thermals were really badly formed and I was looking for them in the wrong place… I only realised that the clouds were drifting from the back when I was standing in the bottom landing field and had a chance to have a proper look.

Geoff came and picked me up, but by the time we got back up to the top the sky had filled in. However, the lift was a million times better and I climbed up to 1200′ ATO easily. We bumbled about for a while and flew for a third time later in the afternoon when the wind picked up more.

See photos of today.