Geoff writes: not the day we expected, but fun nevertheless. We thought it was going to be relatively light winds, cloudy at first but then clearing, and probably a good XC day. In the event, it was flyable for PGs in the morning, then began to pick up, and from about 1.30 or so, became too strong for PGs, and stayed that way for the rest of the day (apart from one or two hardy folk at the end of the day). Judith went home to do some work, rather than sit around waiting for it to drop. The sun came out for a short time, but it quickly clouded over again, to give complete cloud cover from mid afternoon on.

Whilst it wasn’t flyable for paragliders, it was fine for hang gliders, so I flew my Laminar. Nothing epic; I got about 1300′ ATO, stayed high most of my flight. Base was around 1800 ATO according to Jason, so hardly worth going with, given the cloud cover. Some weak thermals, quite buoyant really. I did enjoy the flight, just over an hour. I landed then for a rest, was going to fly again, but, again, it was so cold, I just packed up.

Tonight, the pub with Brian, Andy and Dave, who have driven down from the Peaks and Scotland and are staying with us hoping for a good XC day. We’ll see tomorrow!