Archived posts from this Category
Archived posts from this Category
Posted by Geoff on 08 Feb 2011 | Tagged as: Podcasts
Flying in wave with Steve Hudson of the Derbyshire Flying Centre. Wave is a fairly common weather condition in the UK and can provide excellent and exhilarating flying, but it can also be scary if you don’t know how it works. While hang gliders have a lot of knowledge and experience of it, many paraglider pilots are unsure of flying in wave. In this podcast, Steve aims to explain how to assess conditions, get down, fly safe and have fun! 52 minutes. (February 2011)
Download the podcast: http://www.judithmole.net/podcasts/flying_in_wave.mp3
Subscribe to future podcasts: see the links on the right.
Please note: this, and all previous podcasts, are also available from the podcast page.
Posted by Judith on 26 Jul 2010 | Tagged as: Podcasts
Flying Triangles with Kai Coleman. After achieving huge open-distance XC flights in the UK, Kai started turning his attention to triangle flying and has done so successfully for the last few years. In this podcast, Kai talks about his experience of flying triangles and gives some advice on planning, GPS use and just going for it! See Kai’s triangle flight from the Wrekin and Graham Steel’s flight from XClent. 23 minutes.
Download the podcast: http://www.judithmole.net/podcasts/triangles.mp3
Subscribe to future podcasts: see the links on the right.
Please note: this, and all previous podcasts, are also available from the podcast page.
Posted by Geoff on 29 Jun 2010 | Tagged as: Podcasts
Improving your flying with Judith Mole. In this podcast I talk about some of the strategies I have used to become a better pilot in a structured way over the last eighteen months. You can also read Dave Thomas’ article to see how he became a better XC pilot by reading it here. 18 minutes.
Download the podcast: http://www.judithmole.net/podcasts/improving.mp3
Subscribe to future podcasts: see the links on the right.
Please note: this, and all previous podcasts, are also available from the podcast page.
Posted by Geoff on 19 Apr 2010 | Tagged as: Podcasts
Making the most of blue thermal days with Dave Thomas. Dave has been flying various aircraft since 1979 and has a huge amount of XC experience. He excels on blue thermal days and in this podcast he explains how they work and how to make the most of them. He uses a flight at the Malverns to illustrate his points. If you would like to see the terrain he describes, you can view Dave’s and my tracklogs from the day in Google Earth. Dave’s tracklog. Judith’s tracklog. 45mins
Download the podcast: http://www.judithmole.net/podcasts/blue_thermals.mp3
Subscribe to future podcasts: see the links on the right.
Please note: this, and all previous podcasts, are also available from the podcast page.
Posted by Geoff on 20 Jan 2010 | Tagged as: Podcasts
Competing in the British Paragliding Nationals with Martin Dockerill, Wendy Griffiths and Simon Twiss. In this podcast Martin, Wendy and Simon talk about why they decided to enter the competition, what they learned, and they also provide some tips for others thinking of entering for the first time. 16mins.
Download the podcast: http://www.judithmole.net/podcasts/britishnationals.mp3
Subscribe to future podcasts: see the links on the right.
Please note: this, and all previous podcasts, are also available from the podcast page.
Posted by Geoff on 07 Jan 2010 | Tagged as: Podcasts
Advanced Thermalling with Kelly Farina of Austrian Arena. This podcast doesn’t explain what a thermal is or how to find one, but it explains the common mistakes people make and how to rectify them. It is aimed at people experienced in thermalling, who want to improve their technique. 15 mins.
Download the podcast: http://www.judithmole.net/podcasts/advanced_thermalling.mp3
Subscribe to future podcasts: see the links on the right.
Please note: this, and all previous podcasts, are also available from the podcast page.